October 14, 2013 – Waterford to Castleton

We left Waterford today. If you ever get a chance to visit Waterford from the water is a great place to stay for a weekend. You can stay on their dock for 2 days for $10 w/Electric. They are friendly. There is a laundromat & grocery store within walking distance. Florence had to take the car to the junk yard and the rest of the crew met her in Albany. It was nice to liberate ourselves from the car. It was nice to see Jessica before we left and it was really nice of her to take me to the bank so we could cash the check from the car. We stayed at Castleton Boat Club on the mooring ball. That was an experience to get it attached to the boat. We finally figured it out and it was not too bad floating around. I am used to anchoring, but this was unique.






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